I often forget to pray for things that have yet to become a problem in my life. I generally find myself praying only when there’s an issue in my life that needs to be resolved or when I’m thanking the Lord for something wonderful that he’s just done for me. Far too often I forget to pray for the man that’s choosing to share his life with me and decisions and battles that he will face throughout his lifetime. I forget to pray for his strength. And his faith. And his goals. I feel selfish to have only prayed for my own future, forgetting that {Lord Willing} this man is my future. My mum constantly encourages me to pray for anyone I’m dating as well but I never took it serious but today, I’ve learnt a lot in the few relationships I’ve been in and I encourage each and every one of you, to start praying for the men in your life. Whether you’re married, engaged, dating, or still waiting on the perfect guy. It’s never too late or too early to begin praying for these four areas of life that will affect the love of your life and your life as well.
Pray for your boyfriend’s relationship with the Lord.
Above all else, pray that the Lord will guide, lead, bless and protect your boyfriend each and every day. His strength in the Lord will affect your life more than you know. Having a Man that is walking with God and trusting in Him will make both your relationship and yourself so much stronger than you could ever imagine.
Pray for your boyfriend’s education and career.
Pray that he will succeed in all that he sets out to study or any career that he chooses to pursue. This is a great way to cheer him on silently from the sidelines. Encouraging him to do his very best and strive for greatness can only do so much without fervent prayer and the Lord’s help.
Pray for your boyfriend’s future opportunities and decisions.
Pray that your boyfriend will be blessed with wonderful opportunities in the future that makes his life and your life everything that God has planned for it. Pray that he will make wise decisions based on his love for the Father, his love for himself, and his love for you and your future together. This is so very important to remember when you could potentially be having a family together one day.
Pray for your boyfriend’s goals and dreams.
This one is my favorite. Simply because not a day goes by that I’m not praying and working towards my own dreams and goals. If I’m so passionate about my dreams, I should be just as passionate in prayer for my boyfriends dreams as well. I love seeing how happy he is whenever he reaches a goal or gets one step closer to his dreams and desires. I pray that the Lord will help him achieve everything he’s able to dream up and set goals to obtain.
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Article inspired by my Mum.
Major Credit : Mitchelle Le Anne
Above all pray the new testament focused prayers for him
That the eyes of his understanding be enlightened that he knows what he has in Christ. Should that happen, all the other prayer requests would be answered by himself.
Thank you Emmanuel. God bless you.